Get Your Home Ready to Sell
Here we are in the heat of Summer and now is the season to put your house on show. This may be to command the best price while the garden blooms and spirits are lifted. Well, that is the theory anyway. Frankly, a garden can easily be given a face-lift but when a potential buyer…
Read MoreThe Truth About Tile Pricing
The South African tile market is very cost conscious, with many retailers competing for your business by discounting prices. As the saying goes “bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”. This certainly rings true in the tile industry. Before purchasing we have some tips for better understanding of…
Read MoreNew Look – New Design
Who wants to dress the same every day for the rest of their lives? No-one! That’s exactly why we have spruced things up a bit. We have given our Middelburg branch a little bit of a Store Makeover, and soon, other stores will follow. You can’t just update one outfit in your closet, everything has…
Read MoreWelcome to iTILE
Welcome to the iTILE Blog! Here we will keep you posted about the ins and outs of tiling, the do’s, and the definitely do not’s. You’ll be kept up to date with all the latest tiling fashions and trends and you’ll never miss out on a chance at making your home as stylish as you…
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